En döende mages historia..
Are you ready for the story?
This is the story about the dying stomach..
The dying stomach was the cleverest and bravest stomach around the round table. He always telled everyone how many sandwiches he've ate and how many coce's he've drinked.. But after a while, the other stomach began to grew tired of the Dying Stomach's stories.. And so they began to wonder.. Where the Dying Stomach's stories even TRUE?! Oh, no.. They went to the stomach king, and told him about their thoughts about his stories.. And so even the king began to wonder..
But that wasn't the end of the Dying Stomach's problems, no.. That wasn't the final problem..
(den Dödende Magen hade aldrig ätit förr.. eller druckit för den delen..)
((Min mage är också väldigt hungring.. dit ville jag komma med detta inlägg.. Fast det är med lite Sherlock touch.. :)))
